Monday 19 September 2011

What do we do?

TT/TD SIG is a way of bringing together both experienced and less experienced professionals working in teacher training and development who can pool their resources, knowledge, experience and share in a systematic and organized way. The TT/TD SIG aims to be an established and well-respected forum for sharing and working together in the field of training and development

1 comment:

  1. I attended your session on Zayed University,10 December 2011. It was really good help me much to start thinking on observation and feedback from different angle
    All speakers are proffesssional and experienced in the feild of training.
    I am interested in joining this group

    Thanks Alot
    Helen Donaghue
    Dr. David Palfreyman. we learned from you to rest our left side of the brain when we draw.
    Dr. Amanda Howard, Mary Maymall and Radhika O'sullivan now we are more opened eyes with out blinkers
    Dr. Marion Engine
    I am keeping your questions with me and next tirmester I will distribute it to all colleague so can benefit it and assess thier classes

    thank you all it was great
